Hi, I’m Devraj sheel Blogger. The founder of this blog all topics and many other online ventures. I’m a professional full-time story blogger, a digital marketer, and all topics. I’m here to help bloggers like you to create an outstanding blog Tenses - Present, Past, Future - Rules and Define

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Tenses - Present, Past, Future - Rules and Define

Tenses - Present, Past, Future - Rules and Define


Tenses play a crucial role in the English language. It denotes the time an action takes place, whether sometime in the past, in the present or will take some time in the future.

Types Of  Tenses
  1. Present Tense       à¤¹ै हां ही
  2. Past Tense            à¤¥ा थे थी
  3. Future Tense         à¤—े गा गी

1.Present Tense

The present tense is a grammatical tense whose principal function is to locate a situation or event in the present time. The present tense is used for actions which are happening now.

Types Of  Present Tenses

(a) Present Indefinite Tense            à¤¤ा है ती है ते हैं

A- Sub + V1 + s/es + Obj

N- Sub + Do/Does + Not + V1 + Obj

I- Do/Does + Sub + Not + V1 + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + Do/Does + Sub + Not + V1 + Obj + ?

(b) Present continuous Tense         à¤°à¤¹ा है ,रही है ,रहे हैं

A- Sub + is/am/are + V1 + ing + Obj

N- Sub + is/am/are + not + V1 + ing + Obj

I- is/am/are + Sub + Not + V1 + ing + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + is/am/are + Sub + Not + V1 + ing + Obj + ?

(c) Present Perfect Tense             à¤šुका है चुकी है चुके हैं

A- Sub + has/have + V3 + Obj

N- Sub + has/have + not + V3 + Obj

I- has/have + Sub + Not + V3 + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + has/have + Sub + Not + V3 + Obj + ?

(d) Present Perfect continuous  Tense                रहा है ,रही है ,रहे हैं             with time

A- Sub + has/have + Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time 

N- Sub + has/have + Not + Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time 

I- Has/Have + Sub + Not + Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time + ?

WHF- WHF + Has/Have + Sub + Not + Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time + ?

2. Past Tense

The past tense is a grammatical tense whose function is to place an action or situation in past time. In languages which have a past tense, it thus provides a grammatical means of indicating that the event being referred to took place in the past.

Types Of  Past Tenses

(a) Past Indefinite Tense           à¤¤े थे, ता था, ति थि

A- Sub + V2 + Obj

N- Sub + Did not + V1 + Obj

I- Did + Sub + not + V1 + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + Did + Sub + not + V1 + Obj + ?

(b) Past continuous Tense           à¤°à¤¹ा था रहे थे रही थी

A- Sub + Was/Were + V1 + ing + Obj

N- Sub + Was/Were + Not + V1 + ing + Obj

I- Was/Were + Sub + Not + V1 + ing + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + Was/Were + Sub + Not + V1 + ing + Obj + ?

(c) Past Perfect Tense             à¤šुका à¤¥ा à¤šुकी à¤¥ी à¤šुके à¤¥े

A- Sub + Had + V3 + Obj

N- Sub + Had + Not + V3 + Obj

I- Had + Sub + Not + V3 + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + Had + Sub + Not + V3 + Obj + ?

(d) Past Perfect continuous  Tense                 à¤°à¤¹ा था रहे थे रही थी      with time

A- Sub + Had Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time

N- Sub + Had Not Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time

I- Had + Sub + Not + Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time + ?

WHF-  WHF + Had + Sub + Not + Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time + ?

3. Future Tense

In grammar, a future tense is a verb form that generally marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future.

Types Of  Future Tenses

(a) Future Indefinite Tense                   à¤¯े गे , यी गी, या गा

A-  Sub + Will/Shall + V1 + Obj

N- Sub + Will/Shall + Not + V1 + Obj

I- Will/Shall + Sub + Not + V1 + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + Will/Shall + Sub + Not + V1 + Obj + ?

(b) Future continuous Tense           à¤°à¤¹ी गी रहा गा रहे गे

A-  Sub + Will/Shall + Be + V1 + ing + Obj

N- Sub + Will/Shall + Not + Be +  V1 + ing + Obj

I- Will/Shall + Sub + Not Be + V1 + ing + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + Will/Shall + Sub + Not Be + V1 + ing + Obj + ?

(c) Future Perfect Tense           à¤šà¤•े गे चुका गा चुकी गी

A- Sub + Will/Shall + Have + V3 + Obj

N- Sub + Will/Shall + Not + Have + V3 + Obj

I- Will/Shall + Sub +  Not + Have + V3 + Obj + ?

WHF- WHF + Will/Shall + Sub +  Not + Have + V3 + Obj + ?

(d) Future Perfect continuous  Tense          à¤°à¤¹ी गी रहा गा रहे गे       With time

A- Sub + Will/Shall + Have Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time

N- Sub + Will/Shall + Not Have Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time

I- Will/Shall + Sub + Not + Have Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time + ?

WHF- WHF + Will/Shall + Sub + Not + Have Been + V1 + ing + Obj + Since/For + Time + ?

 Singular  Plural
 I, He, She, It, You  We, They, You

WH Family Group - What, Where, When, Who, Which

Tenses - Present, Past, Future - Rules and Define 

Hi, I’m Devraj sheel Blogger. The founder of this blog all topics and many other online ventures. I’m a professional full-time story blogger, a digital marketer, and all topics. I’m here to help bloggers like you to create an outstanding blog and earn money from it.


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